domenica 20 luglio 2014

Color study....

"Color study from Claude Monet"

Another color study i did this week. This are a bit faster, around 1h for the first and 35 min for the second.

Have a nice day !

venerdì 18 luglio 2014

Color study...

"color study from John Singer Sargent"

Color studies from John Singer Sargent  I did in the last days. Enjoy :)

sabato 12 luglio 2014

Route 66, virtual plein air...

"Wigwam motel, route 66"

"Cruiser's Route 66 Cafe, Williams, AZ 86046"

"Custer County, OK"

"Amarillo Texas"

"Gray County Texas"

In the last months I discovered the " Virtual Plein Air " FB group and I really enjoyed this activity ! I think that is a great exercise and a lot of fun...
This are some virtual plein air I did in the last month, all of them are from picture I found along the ROUTE 66 on google street view or on Panoramio... 

Here you can find the link of the location I painted:

2) Cruiser's Route 66 Cafe, Williams, AZ 86046,

3) Custer County, OK, USA,

Enjoy & have a nice weekend :)

sabato 5 luglio 2014

Color Studies !!!

"color study of Pixar & Disney screencaps, Planes 2013 & Tangled 2010"

"color study of Pixar & Disney screencaps, Planes 2013 & Tangled 2010"

"color study of Mian Situ paintings -"

"color study of Paul Émile Chabas"

"color study of josh Clare - Off the ramp -"

This are some colours studies I did during the last months. I did this exercises to increase my knowledge regarding colours and composition and I found them really helpful!

Here you can find some nice tutorials from Noah bradley & Level up regarding this topic:

Noah Bradley:

Level up:

Have a nice weekend !!!